The Bible, the Scriptures of the Christian faith, has consistently been the best-selling book of all time. Research shows that in the 21st century, Bibles have been printed at a rate of around 80 million per year. It is a book like no other! It is the only collection of writings that reveal the person, nature, and purpose of the Creator God. It contains Yahweh’s revelation of Himself to humanity. It shows how our Creator wants to relate to us and how He expects us to behave towards Him and our fellow humans. The Scriptures, although ancient, never go out of date. Their wisdom is infinite; their words are life-giving; their laws immutable, and their promises eternal. They have been given as the foundation for building meaningful, God-fearing, and successful lives. They are, therefore, a manual for living and should be read, studied, and taught to everyone in every generation.
The Scriptures are revered and regarded as holy, yet many who profess to be Christians hardly ever read them, never mind study them. If you want to be an authentic, effective disciple of Yahshua, “…accurately handling the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15, NASB), you ought to study this module. The course will help you explore important issues such as:
- Why we can depend on the testimony, authenticity, and authority of the Scriptures
- How they were given, written, and arranged
- and the fascinating development of the Old and New Testaments as we have them today
The Scriptures