Being adopted into Yahweh’s family is no light thing. New members have to fit in and to do so, they have to know and embrace what the family is all about. Why it exists, its nature, how it functions, and the principles that make it what it is. Your quintessential goal is to be like the firstborn son – Yahshua.
This course will take you on a journey exploring the purpose, culture, morality, values, and practices that make this heavenly family unique. Of course, the purpose of the journey is to equip you to fit in and learn how to imitate Yahshua.
Of critical importance is the Spirit’s role in the life of every member of Yahweh’s household, which you will extensively explore. It will become clear that integration into the family; and leading an effective and fulfilled life, which pleases the Father, is not possible without your full cooperation with the Spirit. Your relationship with the Spirit is indeed the necessary springboard for successfully moving toward maturity and becoming like the firstborn son of the family.
Life in the Family